©Gary Bowman There’s a land that’s fair and bright, Where the sun stays up all night This, ‘The Last Frontier’ Majestic eagles fill the sky, Pearly peaks, four miles high, Oh, to be a mountaineer! Forests stretch from sea to sea Sitka Spruce, and Cedar trees Now, tha-a-a-t’s... a sight to see!! The land is vast, The land is great, You can keep the lower 48! Alaska is the place for me! Alaska is an angler’s dream, Rushing creeks and mountain streams Fil-i-l-l-l-led with hungry trout Mighty glaciers feed the bay, Humpback whales swim and play You might even see one spout (no doubt!) Salmon leapin’ up the falls Like Onchorhynchus cannonballs Now, tha-a-a-t’s... a sight to see!! Cascades lined with grizzly bears, Snatching salmon from the air, Alaska is the place for me! Mountain goats and caribou, Arctic fox and turndra shrew Riv-v-v-er otters swim and play Yonder stands an angry moose, Better unhitch that caboose ‘Cuz-z-z-z,he’s run-n-n-n-ing this away! (Yikes!) Gnats and flies are everywhere Mosquito squadrons swarm the air Hey, Brother, Can you spare a little Deet? Yeah, Wildlife is everywhere, You can feed the tourists to the Bears, Alaska is the place for me! The beauty of an Arctic night, Winters are a pure delight If you’re…a polar bear Howling winds, Blowing snow, Temps of 45 below You’ll be looking for a nice, warm lair (to share) Aurora Borealis bright Flashing green, and fuchsia lights Now, tha-a-a-t’s... a sight to see! Mushing in the wind and snow, Frigid air and frosted toes Alaska is the place for me! Alaska is the place for me! Alaska is the place for me! |