©Gary Bowman “I think a man who is fool enough to get bitten by a Gila monster ought to die. The creature is so sluggish and slow of movement that the victim of its bite is compelled to help largely in order to get bitten.” -Dr. Ward Driving west from Flagstaff, on Route Sixty-Six Needle stuck on empty, on a hot Mojave day Eased into a double-pump, Red-Star Texaco To get some gas, and then be on my way The cowboy at the pump, filled ‘er up on high octane And offered this advice for the trip “Steer clear of this hot, barren desert And, beware of the Gila monster’s grip Beware the Gila monster’s deadly grip” Don’t you know, the Gila monster’s deadly, And he’s got a painful bite, He won’t let go till the sun goes down, You’ll be lucky, if you make it through the cold, desert night Well, I didn’t steer clear of that desert, Land of coyotes, rattlesnakes and lynx And shy, lethargic Gila Monsters, Covered in their beads of black and pink Now, in my humble opinion, You’d have to be a fool to get bit If you wrangle with a Gila Monster, You probably deserve just what you get Yeah, you deserve what you get Don’t you know, this world’s full of critters, Some you embrace, and others fear Beware, a stranger’s hollow words, and believe Half of what you see, And nothing that you hear Believe half of what you see, And nothing that you hear |